It is very unusual for payments to go missing. When this happens it is usually because of one of three reasons:
You've sent the incorrect amount, not included the correct reference or destination account name
Please check that you've included the reference, correct amount and the destination account name exactly as supplied. If you include anything other than the correct reference / account name then your payment will not process automatically and will require manual processing. If this is the case, please contact
Support including your account email, the order ID and the reference. Support aim to resolve payment issues within 1 working day, but sometimes it can take up to 3 working days.
You've sent the payment from a bank which doesn't support Faster Payments
Please see our list of which banks you can use with Solidi.
Your bank has retained the payment for Fraud Prevention reasons
Sometimes, for your security, your bank's fraud systems will hold a payment for additional checks. The funds will have been removed from your account and be held by your bank. Unfortunately when banks do this, many do not contact the customer to let them know that this has happened. If you are sure you've used the correct reference, have paid from a bank which is in our compatible list, then the most likely explanation is that your bank has held onto the payment. Please contact your bank to confirm they have definitely sent the payment.
If none of the above apply then please contact
Support so that we can investigate the issue.